November 11, 2016

That Beautiful and Yet Still Fragile Seed

In the dark, there is a beautiful, yet fragile, seed, longing for connection, freedom, joy, and that unspeakable unconditional love. That longing is so deep and so pure that the tiny seed sings in the dark its natural melody to its inborn rhythm and dreams about coming out to see the Sun.

The seed begins to take root, but the hard ground of “convenience” and “norm” prevents it from breaking through. Day after day, the invisible force works its wonder, making the seed stronger and stronger.


One day, the seed sprouts through the ground and sees the sunlight for the first time! She dances in the wind with so much joy. But a gust of wind that grew out of fear and greed, reinforced by shame and sense of feeling not enough breaks her...

That seed is sent back down, weeping in a dungeon where is dark and cold. “I’m not worthy of the sunlight after all!” She cries. She refuses the food that’s nurtured her in the past. She weeps day after day until one day, she hears again the melody she used to sing to the rhythm that she knows. Again, she sings, first in a tiny voice, then louder, and louder... She feels that the invisible force is working through her again. She pushes up and up, and then the light comes through! Warmth touches her, deeply; fresh air caresses her; water quenches her thirst. Ah! She dances again.

Then she remembers the gust of wind that could sweep her away, or even uproot her, anytime. How can I stand up and tall in the face of the gust this time? Just then, her root grows under her, reaching deeper and further. Then she feels something on the tip of her root... Another root just like hers! The two roots hold each other tightly, connecting and merging, connecting and merging... Then another root, and another... Her root is now connected with many roots that are growing into one big root that continues to reach other roots.

Sure enough, that gust of wind comes again. It’s ten times stronger than the last time. She sees the gust of wind breaking many tiny sprouts in the distance, but her big root can’t reach their roots in time. Her heart aches, but something stronger arises in her. She says to the gust of wind, “Let’s dance.”

She dances to the rhythm that she has known for so long. She’s never been so entranced by that rhythm as she is now. Before she knows it, she is dancing beyond the limitation of her physical form. She plays with the gust of wind, dances behind it, then sprints ahead, then slows down, and stops. She kisses the angry wind. The big wind is confused and it grows weaker and weaker until it fades away.

The sunlight shines upon her wherever she dances. She is dancing in the nectar of freedom, joy and unconditional love. There is no limitation of space and time! That one big root below continues to reach other big roots, then another... All the big roots connect and merge and grow into one Big Root.

That seed will never die. It is in me; it is in you. It is in every human and non-human, visible and invisible, living or seemingly non-living beings. And we are responsible to help protect that sacred seed and water it with kindness every day. I see it everywhere once I’m aware of its existence. Sometimes when I’m quiet enough, I can hear that seed singing, “I am here. I hear you. I know you are there. I miss you. Come! Come! I’m coming to you as you are coming to me.” When our roots touch, our seeds will sing in chorus, “We are one. We are one. We are one.”

I have never before felt so strongly that protecting and loving that beautiful and yet still fragile seed in me is such a sacred mission in this life. As I protect my sacred seed, I'm protecting yours; as you protect yours, you are protecting mine; as I protect yours, I'm protecting mine; as you protect mine, you are protecting yours. We may call it sacred Self-love. :)

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